Listen to live vibration data in Analyze


To listen to vibration from an Analysis Expert, you must have the Analysis Experts help text enabled. See Enable or disable the help text in the Analysis Experts.


After you pair and connect to a Bluetooth device, you can listen to live vibration data with headphones. See Connect to a paired Bluetooth device. Use the Listen To Live Data option from Analyze main menu or from one of the following Analysis Experts:

  • High Frequency Analysis
  • High Resolution Analysis
  • Bearing/Gear Analysis- PeakVue
  • Low Frequency Analysis - SST
  • Coast Down Peak Hold
  • Order Tracking
  • Synchronous Analysis
Note: The audio is not stored or recorded.


  1. From the Analyze main menu, do one of the following:
    • Press F3 Listen To Live Data.
    • Select an Analysis Expert, and press F6 Listen To Live Data.
    • Display a waveform or spectrum plot, and press F3 Listen To Live Data.
    The Bluetooth Listener screen appears. You are now listening to the vibration signal.
    Note: The Home key is disabled while you are listening to data.
  2. Set up the following options as necessary.
    Option Description
    F1 Volts Accel

    Select the audio to come from the acceleration input or the volts input. The default is the input for the active measurement point when you selected Listen To Live Data.

    F2 Input

    Select the input you want to listen to by selecting input A, B, C, or D. The default is the input for the active measurement point when you selected Listen To Live Data.

    F4 Acquire Data Begin collecting data.
    Note: If you selected Listen To Live Data from the Analyze main menu or a plot screen, F4 Acquire Data is not available.
    F6 Test Headset Play a test sound to verify the Bluetooth connection to the headphones. The analyzer generates a test sound for several seconds.
    F7 Filter Enable Enable or disable the filter option you select for the F8 Filter option.
    F8 Filter Set the filter for the audio signal. You can select Bandpass, Highpass, or Lowpass.
    F9 Cutoff Select the frequency range for the filter type you chose for F8 Filter.
    F10 Gain Increase the amplitude of the audio signal before broadcasting the signal to the headphones. The signal gain affects the volume. You can also use the up arrow key.
    F11 Gain Decrease the amplitude of the audio signal before broadcasting the signal to the headphones. The signal gain affects the volume. You can also use the down arrow key.
    F12 Stop or F12 Start Stop or start broadcasting the audio to the headphones.