Save an Analyze job to equipment in a route


You can save a job to equipment in a route. When you transfer the job to AMS Machinery Manager, the data is assigned to that equipment in the database. Use this when you collect data outside the route. When you select the equipment, the analyzer uses the equipment ID and description in the corresponding fields in Job Setup.


  1. From the Analyze main menu, press F9 Job Setup.
  2. To switch between internal memory or a memory card, press F1 Change Job > F3 Change Location.
  3. Select a job and press F4 Select Job.
  4. Press F3 Edit This Job > F1 Route Equip.
  5. Use the up and down arrow keys to select a route, and press F4 Select.
  6. Use the up and down arrow keys to select the equipment, and press F4 Select.