Convert magnitude or frequency values to a different measurement unit


The Units Conversion option lets you enter magnitude, engineering units, units type, frequency, and frequency units and the Balance program calculates the units in acceleration, velocity, and displacement units.

Enter information on the left side of the screen. The calculated solutions are on the right side of the screen.

Note: This is available only in Advanced Balance mode.


  1. From the Balance main menu, press ALT > F6 Calculator Mode > F11 Units Conv.
  2. Enter the values and the units you want to convert.
    Option Description
    F2 Enter Mag. Enter the magnitude of the vibration units to convert. Enter a value between 0.00 and 100,000. The default is 0.
    F3 Select Mag. Units Enter the vibration units of the magnitude you entered for F2 Enter Mag. You can display the units in g's, in/sec, mils, mm/sec, or microns. Use g’s for English units, and use g’s (m) for metric units. The default is mils.
    F4 Select Units Type

    Set the units for the entered frequency. You can use RMS, Peak, and Peak-to-Peak.

    F5 Enter Freq. Enter the frequency of the spectral feature with the magnitude to convert. Enter a value between 0.01 and 100,000.
    F6 Select Freq. Units Enter the frequency units of the frequency number you entered for F5 Enter Freq. Select Hertz (Hz) or CPM. The default is CPM.
    F9 Select Units Type

    Specify the units of the calculated solution for acceleration. Select RMS, Peak, or Peak-to-Peak. The default is RMS.

    F10 Select Units Type

    Specify the units of the calculated solution for velocity. Select RMS, Peak, or Peak-to-Peak. The default is Peak.

    F11 Select Units Type

    Specify the units of the calculated solution for displacement. Select RMS, Peak, or Peak-to-Peak. The default is Peak-to-Peak.

  3. Press Enter.
    The values for F9, F10, and F11 display the new values in acceleration, velocity, and displacement.
  4. Press Back or F7 Select Calc. mode to exit and return to the Select Calculation screen.