Set the measurement parameters for an ODS/Modal job


  1. From the ODS/Modal main menu, press F8 Job Manager.
  2. Use the up and down arrow keys to select a job.
  3. Press F4 Edit This Job > F4 Set Meas Params.
  4. Set the following options as necessary.
    Option Description
    F2 Set Number of Points Enter the number of points. The number of measurement point directions and number of points determine the total number of locations to collect data. For example, if the measurement direction is XYZ and 1,024 points are defined, a total of 3,072 locations (1,024 X, 1,024 Y and 1,024 Z) are available in the job. The default is 20.
    F3 Set Starting Point Enter the first measurement point to display when you collect data. If a job has 20 measurement points, the starting point could be from 1 through 9,979. If the starting point is 9,979, the second point number would be 9,980. The default is 1.
    F4 Set Coordinate Sys Use the up and down arrow keys to select Rectangular (X, Y, Z), Cylindrical (Radial, Theta, Axial), or Spherical (Radial, Theta, Phi). The default is (X, Y, Z).
    Note: ME'scope VES™ uses X, Y, Z.
    F5 Set Meas Direction Use the up and down arrow keys to select the direction. The available directions depend on the coordinate system defined for the job in F2 Set Coordinate Sys. The default is XYZ. For example, if you selected rectangular (XYZ), the possible measurement directions are X, Y, Z, XY, XZ, YZ, and XYZ.
    F10 Set Meas Input Set the input for the displayed measurement direction (orientation). This option does not appear if you have only two inputs. If you disable the input for this direction, "???" displays.
    F11 Set Meas Input Set the input for the displayed measurement direction (orientation). This option does not appear if you have only two inputs. If you disable the input for this direction, "???" displays.
    F12 Set Meas Input Set the input for the displayed measurement direction (orientation). This option does not appear if you have only two inputs. If you disable the input for this direction, "???" displays.
  5. Press Enter.
    The Edit Job Setup screen appears.