Edit the measurement ID or description for an Advanced Transient job


  1. From the Transient main menu, press F8 Job Manager.
  2. Use the up and down arrow keys to select a job.
  3. Press F4 Edit This Job, and use the up and down arrow keys to select a measurement.
  4. Press F5 Edit Meas, and set the following options as necessary.
    Option Description
    F2 Edit ID Enter up to three characters to identify the measurement point for input 1.
    F3 Edit ID Enter up to three characters to identify the measurement point for input 2.
    F4 Edit ID Enter up to three characters to identify the measurement point for input 3.
    F5 Edit ID Enter up to three characters to identify the measurement point for input 4.
    F6 Edit Desc Enter up to 20 characters to describe the equipment.
  5. Press Enter.