Change a FOUNDATION fieldbus device parameter

You can change device parameters and then send the changes to the device.

When you select a parameter to change, you may be prompted if the device is commissioned. Some changes are prohibited for commissioned devices. You may also be prompted that the device will be disconnected from the application after you change the parameter.

Warning: Changing device parameters could adversely affect the control of your process. Put the control loop in Manual/Out of Service before applying changes. Verify the output before returning the control loop to Auto. Failure to do so could result in property damage, serious injury, or death. Ensure all safety precautions and work procedures have been followed.
  1. Connect to the FOUNDATION fieldbus device.
  2. Go to the parameter you want to change.
    See the device documentation for more information. Each device uses different menus.
  3. If prompted, select if the device is commissioned.
  4. Change the parameter.
    Note: The Trex unit may disconnect from the device after you make the change. If this occurs, the change is automatically sent to the device without any additional input from you.
  5. Tap Send.
  6. Review the change.
    Tap Discard to undo the change and close the screen. Tap Cancel to keep the change and send it to the device at a later time.
  7. Tap Send.
  8. Tap OK.