Set the shut down timer

To conserve power, set the shut down timer to automatically shut down the Trex unit after a period of inactivity, such as no key presses or taps on the screen.

The timer is enabled only when the AC adapter is not connected to the Trex unit.

Note: The timers are cumulative. For example, if you set the Dim Display (Backlight) timer to 5 minutes, the Suspend timer to 5 minutes, and the Shut Down timer to 5 minutes, the Trex unit enters suspend after 10 minutes and shuts down after 15 minutes of inactivity.
  1. Tap Settings or the status bar at the top of the screen.
  2. Tap More > Power Management > Turn off after.
  3. Select the number of minutes.
    The default value is set to Never.
  4. Tap OK.