Collect Overall data


Overall mode lets you watch equipment over longer times to monitor changes. Overall is a single parameter trend (RMS) of all the energy from the Fmin to Fmax of a spectrum.


  1. Create a job or open Analyze from a route measurement point.
  2. From the Analyze main menu, press F1 Manual Analyze > F1 Set Analyze Mode.
  3. Use the up and down arrow keys to select Overall.
  4. Press Enter.
    The Analyze Setup screen appears.
  5. Set the following options as necessary.
    Option Description
    F2 Set Overall Mode Set your Overall acquisition to 1Hz to 80kHz or Fmin to Fmax. 1Hz to 80kHz mode acquires broadband waveform data, and calculates the overall as the RMS value of the waveform. Fmin to Fmax calculates the overall value from a normal spectral acquisition and includes frequencies between the Fmax and Fmin values. The default is Fmin to Fmax.
    F3 Set Spectra Params Set the Fmax, Fmin, number of averages, and enable or disable Aweighting. The default is 2,000 Hz Fmax, 0 Hz Fmin, and four averages.
    F4 Set Number Points Enter a number between 2 and 6,400 to set the number of points to collect. The default is 2,000.
    F5 Set Time Inc Enter a number between 0 and 60 seconds to set the time between each measurement. The default is 1.
    F7 Tach Setup Set up the tachometer parameters. See Set up a tachometer in Analyze.
    F8 Set Collection Mode Overall acquisition can be Continuous or Non-Continuous. Continuous mode collects the required number of points and continues collecting data, replacing the oldest data with new data. Non-Continuous mode only collects the required number of points and then stops collecting data. The default is Continuous.
    F9 Set Alarm Level Set an alarm level for the measurement. If the measurement exceeds the specified alarm level, the analyzer beeps until the acquisition stops or the signal drops back below the alarm level. Enter 0 to disable the alarm. For Dual Overall, set an alarm for all inputs. By default, this option is disabled.
    F11 Set Time Span Set the displayed time span of the trend plot. The minimum value and default is 10 seconds.
    F12 Input Setup Set up the input channels, the sensor type, and the units for the acquisition type.
  6. Press Enter to collect the data.
    One or more plots display the data.
  7. Press F9 Store Data to save the data to a route or a job, or press F8 Start to redo the measurement.