Unpair an AMS Trex unit

You can unpair a Trex unit from the AMS Device Manager software or from the Trex unit. To assure device data is not lost, you should unpair from the AMS Device Manager UI.

Unpair from an AMS Device Manager station

From AMS Device Manager, connect the microUSB to the Trex unit, and then connect the USB to an AMS Device Manager system where it is currently paired. Right-click the unit and choose Unpair Trex Unit.

Pairing an AMS Trex unit to another AMS Device Manager station will also unpair it from the current station.

Unpair from an AMS Trex unit

If you are unable to unpair from the AMS Device Manager station, you can also unpair from the Trex unit itself:

  1. Connect the microUSB to the Trex unit, and then connect the USB to an AMS Device Manager system where it is currently paired.
  2. On the AMS Trex unit, tap Settings or the status bar at the top of the screen.
  3. Tap More > AMS Device Manager Sync.
  4. Tap X.
    You will be prompted to confirm unpairing. If any data is in the process of synchronizing, it will be lost. If the AMS Trex unit is not connected to AMS Device Manager when unpairing, any data on the unit will be lost when re-connected.
    Note: Pairing a Trex unit is only done from an AMS Device Manager station.