User interface

AMS Wireless SNAP-ON application user interface

  1. Quick Access Toolbar
  2. Ribbon Display Options
  3. Minimize ribbon - hides the ribbon.
  4. Contents area - displays a report if the Networks pane is active or a diagram if a diagram is open.
  5. Full screen mode - displays the contents area in full screen mode.
  6. Status bar - displays if alerts are active or suppressed and the date and time of the last data update. Also displays a predictive diagnostics warning, if a device triggers a predictive diagnostics condition.
  7. Navigation pane selector - displays the Networks or Diagrams pane.
  8. Navigation pane
  9. Ribbon
  10. File menu

Quick Access Toolbar

Use this toolbar to run frequently used commands.

Command Description
Displays options to restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the AMS Wireless SNAP-ON application.
Opens the Help file.
Opens the Options dialog.
Saves the diagram.
Exports the report to an Excel file.
Shows display options for the quick access toolbar and ribbon.

Ribbon Display Options

Select an option to customize how the ribbon is displayed.

Command Description
Hides the ribbon.
Displays the ribbon tabs.
Displays the ribbon tabs and commands.

Navigation pane

There are two main panes: Networks and Diagrams.

The Networks pane lists wireless networks connected to AMS Device Manager or AMS Wireless Configurator. This pane is not available if AMS Device Manager or AMS Wireless Configurator is not installed.

The Diagrams pane displays Local and Shared diagrams. Opening a diagram gives you access to the Palettes pane and Parameters pane.


Displayed ribbon tabs are dependent on the selected navigation pane. The Networks pane displays the Home tab. The Diagrams pane displays the Home tab and if a diagram is opened, the Network tab and Settings tab become available.

Home tab

Commands displayed on the Home tab are dependent on the selected in the navigation pane. The Networks pane displays:

The Diagrams pane displays:

Table 1. Home tab commands
Command Description
Restore Default View Removes sorts and filters, and resets the report columns to the default state.
Status Alerts Open the Status Alerts dialog to activate or suppress alerts.
Full Screen Displays the report or diagram in full screen mode.
Find Device Searches for a device on the current diagram or on all diagrams.
Refresh Updates information in the diagram or report.
Power Module Estimator Opens the Power Module Estimator.
Paste Pastes devices to the diagram.
Copy Copies selected devices.
Cut Cuts selected devices.
Select All Selects all devices (including the gateway) and notes on a diagram that are part of the active network.
Pan Diagram Pans the diagram using the mouse (turns off Select Items).
Select Items Turns on rubber band selection of devices on the diagram (turns off Pan Diagram).
Zoom Out Zooms out the diagram.
Zoom In Zooms in the diagram.
Shrink Icon Shrinks icons on the diagram.
Grow Icon Enlarges icons on the diagram.
Zoom Zooms the diagram based on the percentage entered or selected.
Icon Size Changes icon sizes on the diagram based on the percentage entered or selected.
Transparency Changes the diagram transparency based on the percentage entered or selected.

Network tab

Table 2. Network tab commands
Command Description
New Creates a new wireless network.
Import Imports a wireless network from AMS Device Manager or AMS Wireless Configurator.
Delete Deletes the active wireless network on the diagram.
Rename Renames the active wireless network on the diagram.
Transition Network Associates placeholder devices with live devices configured in AMS Device Manager or AMS Wireless Configurator.
Show Network Coverage Displays the effective range of the gateway and devices on a network.
Start Diagnostics Runs predictive analysis on live wireless networks.
Analyze And Split Networks Analyzes a number of networks and provides a recommendation for how to re-organize wireless devices to provide better network performance and reliability.
Check Network Layout Checks the network layout against wireless recommended practices.
Enable Stress Testing Enables stress testing on the diagram.
Stress Test Changes the stress level based on the percentage entered or selected.

Settings tab

Table 3. Settings tab commands
Command Description
Set Plot Plan Selects a background image for the diagram.
Set Scale Defines the scale of the plot plan.
Set GPS Coordinates Sets the GPS coordinates of the plot plan area.
Margin Color Changes the margin color of the diagram.
Reset to Default Planning Parameters Resets the Network Design Parameters to default settings.
Revision History Displays the revision history of the open diagram.

File menu

  • Info - displays information about the AMS Wireless SNAP-ON application. You can also access the Help from this menu option.
  • New - creates a new diagram.
  • Save - saves an open diagram.
  • Open - opens a diagram.
  • Close diagram - closes the diagram. If the diagram has not been saved, you will be prompted to save the diagram before closing it.
  • Import - imports a CSV file.
  • Export - exports the diagram or report.
  • Print - prints the diagram or report.
  • Options - opens the Options dialog.
  • Exit - closes the AMS Wireless SNAP-ON application.